I enjoy
for the
webit is fair to say that nowadays it's quite rare to see even small to medium sized projects developed and maintained in plain javascript. that's why my main focus, after getting a firm grip on js, was to learn an spa framework, which in my case was react.js along with next.js right after it.
when it comes to other frameworks vue.js is the one i want to get the hang of in the near future. in addition to that svelte ecosistem seems really awesome and i'm looking forward to making something on the side with it.
featured tech: react.js (react router v6; react redux), next.js, svelte.
designing stunning looking user interfaces, bringing them to life with outstanding animations, filling the content up with small interactions and enhancing the expiriences with neatly crafted detail is really the most thrilling part of web development for me.
and although i've got a lot to learn yet in the realm of UI/UX design, i'm quite confident in my css abilities as i prefer working with it over something like css frameworks such as bootstrap. although as long as they speed up the production time and don't give any redundant template code, i'm completely fine with them (tailwind.css is a good example of such framework in my opinion)
for design purposes figma is a great tool that works well for me. to bring pages of an app to life i use framer motion in simple cases and really enjoy working with greensock (aka gsap) when doubling down on stunning and performant interactive designs.
featured tech: css3, sass, styled-components, tailwind css, bootstrap, figma, framer motion, greensock(gsap).
as to backend I am most experienced in node.js and have had experience working with express.
when it comes to databases mongodb and firebase are the ones i've interacted with most often.
workflow bits worth mentioning: vscode(as my code editor), git and github (as my primary version control tools), postman(as a platform for building and using APIs), NPM.
hello again, my name is yevhen chebanov (or just jay), i'm a 26 year old web developer from ukraine with background in the merchant marines.
all my life i have been a user of the web and have always admired intricately crafted web expiriences. then one day i came across a short youtube tutorial on javascript and it all took off for me from that moment on. i started learning about how javascript works, how advantageous declarative nature of spa frameworks is, and how well made web design can capture attention of a user and a subtle ux can help to retain ones interest in the app.
my approach to work could most accurately be described with the phrase "learn as you go" as my favorite part about the industry is that it's in the constant state of progress and the learning part of the job never goes away which greatly contributes to the diversity of ones workflow.
if you are interested in my services and would like to get in touch with me, you can find the means to do so below, and regardless, thank you for taking the time to scroll down through this page. i really appreciate your visit, cheers!